keyword research

What is the Purpose of Keyword research? How do I find trending keywords?

Keyword research is one of the essential components in web positioning and requires a thorough examination of the competitive landscape. Whether you’re trying to sell things online or running a blog or informational website, you want to have the largest possible sales or visitor traffic.

In response to the proliferation of smart mobile devices, the major search engines have implemented sophisticated voice search technologies that allow users to perform more refined and natural searches.

We have an increasing amount of information and an increasing number of sites and blogs on the internet; as a result, segmentation via keywords has become a critical component of meeting the goals and resources accessible on the internet today.

As various studies conducted throughout the course of the internet’s existence have shown, the vast majority of individuals who browse the internet do not go beyond the first page of search results. It is critical to place oneself on the top page of search results for a given search term in order to get organic traffic. The top position in the search results receives more than 50% of all clicks, which is four times higher than the second place in the search results.

Because generic phrases are often searched on the internet and are subject to intense competition, it is preferable to choose long tail keywords instead. That is, phrases composed of three to five keywords in order to better reach the top of the search engine’s first page of results.

For Example

If we have an online business that specialises in “computer sales” and the website is optimised for those keywords, we will have to fight against more than 11,000,000 other results on Google. If our firm is specialised in the “selling of HP brand computers,” and we also have our headquarters in Barcelona, we will have a much greater chance of appearing in the top places on search results pages, and we will have a much higher chance of contacting our prospective clients.

One of the most significant aspects of keyword research is the examination of rivals. Once we’ve identified a potential market niche, we’ll need to look into the sites that already rank in the top spots on search engines to determine whether we can compete with them.

In keyword research, it is quite typical to make the error of selecting keywords or long tail terms that get little or no traffic at all. Knowing the market is critical because, on many instances, we believe that consumers are doing a search with certain phrases while, in fact, they are doing something completely different.

In general, search engine users rapidly learn how to narrow their searches in order to get what they are looking for. Only a small percentage of people search with a single word, preferring to use longer phrases or a long tail to obtain more accurate results.

The following considerations should be considered for the best keyword selection

  • Keywords popularity. The ideal situation is to identify the most effective keywords for each industry in order to optimise each page. Optimizing sites for misspelled high popularity keywords with low competition is also advised in areas with less competition.
  • Semantic Web or 3.0. Search engines now have a conceptual framework with the most recent Google (Hummigrid) upgrade. It is vital to employ a language that is comparable to that which is used in daily life, and it is thus necessary to take into consideration while identifying the keywords and the phrases that are utilised.
  • Keyword competition. It is recommended that you choose a market niche or a group of phrases that clearly represent the site and that only a small number of people have chosen in the past due to the intense rivalry that keywords might face. It is possible to divide the line of action in this manner, and with the help of an effective approach, the target audience may be more effectively addressed.
  • Keyword relevance. Web positioning is one of the most significant components of online marketing since it allows you to supply your website with exact and particular keywords that will help your website get a high ranking in the search engines’ organic results. For them, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the target audience, including which search engines they often use and which keywords they use to locate a product or service.
  • Relationship of the keywords with the content of the site. The link between the keywords on a web page and the topic of the page is a factor that search engines such as Google believe to be very important. You must choose the keywords that are relevant to the content of the website and the keywords that consumers will use to reach the site while searching for it.

Consolidate many essential statements into a single phrase, for example, (computer sales + computers in Barcelona = computer sales in Barcelona). In addition, it prevents the Frankenstein syndrome, which many artificially cluttered keywords suffer from, by allowing for adequate readability at the spots on the page where they are utilised.

After the main page has been optimised, the next stage is to optimise the secondary pages using the keywords that are specific to those pages. Once the home page has been optimised, the process is repeated. You must make an effort to include the keywords from the main page in a natural manner. In this approach, the term that is symbolic of the web shines out.

I’d like to point you a few of the free tools that I use for keyword research that are really useful

  • UberSuggest – Is a must-have tool that assists in the identification of long tail words in a rapid and easy manner.
  • Google Keyword Planner – When it comes to learning about word connections and finding particularly precise keywords, the Google Keyword Planner may be really useful.
  • Google Suggest: This search engine feature recommends probable results for your search as you type them in. When a search query is entered into the search engine, it is also shown at the bottom as similar searches.
  • Google Trends: It is a tool that displays the search trends for the terms that have been entered.

As you can see from the above, it is essential to conduct keyword research in order to optimize your website for top search engine rankings. This will help you attract more organic traffic from potential customers, which can result in increased business growth and profitability. So what are you waiting for? Start researching keywords today and see the positive impact it has on your website’s performance!


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